Psychological Test for Employment – 6 Most Effective Questions to Ask & Their Answers

There is no doubt that hiring and training a new employee can be a very difficult, expensive and time-consuming process. For that reason, it’s very important to perform an accurate evaluation of all candidates before making a decision. In addition to the classic job interview, employers often resort to giving a psychological test for employment. This test can be comprised of any number of questions that are designed to obtain an insight into the potential employee’s mentality.

At the same time, these questions can provide a good idea of the interviewee’s communication skills. However, in order to get beneficial results, it is important to ask the right questions. With that in mind, the following guide will provide the six most effective questions to ask candidates. Complementary, it will describe the best possible answers to those questions.

job interview

  1. “Tell me about an occasion when you had to speak up to let your colleagues know what you felt or thought.”

This is a simple question that should be a part of any psychological test for employment. Besides letting the interviewer get a first impression right away, it allows them to evaluate how open the potential employee is. At the same time, it provides some insight into their ability to speak up whenever it is necessary to do so. Additionally, it is helpful for getting an idea of how good they are at verbalizing ideas.

The Best Answer

In this case, the story that is told is not important. What is important is the verbalization of the problem that originated the conflict. By paying attention to this part of the answer, the interviewer will be able to get an idea of how straightforward the interviewee is. At the same time, it provides a good opportunity to evaluate their ability to communicate with coworkers and superiors.


  1. “Let’s say we hire you. However, you get fired after a couple of months. Why do you imagine that could be?”

This question is a very straightforward way to get a feel of the interviewee’s humbleness or pride. At the same time, it’s a bit of a curveball that is designed to elicit a visceral and immediate reaction, allowing you to get a brief glimpse of the potential employee’s reaction to unexpected conflict.

The Best Answer

Unless it’s something that’s too out there, the interviewee’s answer to this question does not really matter. What does matter, however, is their ability to be introspective and balanced, producing an answer that’s balanced, credible and realistic without sounding defensive or annoyed.

  1. “Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a personal problem with a coworker.”

Even though it is somewhat confrontational, this question is important in any psychological test for employment because it allows interviewers to get a glimpse of the candidate’s ability to separate personal problems from work-related problems. At the same time, its answer often shines a light onto the potential employee’s set of basic moral values.

The Best Answer

In this particular case, the best answer is the most reasonable and appropriate within a professional context. Simply put, it’s a way to evaluate the candidate’s ability to understand the difference between personal and professional conflicts. For that reason, the best answer is one that expresses the understanding that such a difference exists.

question marks

  1. “Have you ever felt compelled to agree with a work-related decision despite your best judgment?”

Most experts would not conduct a psychological test for employment without asking this question. The answer provides important insight into the interviewee’s mental state regarding their position as an employee. At the same time, it is very telling in terms of the person’s self-worth. As if that was not enough, it allows the interviewer to get a clear idea of how much the interviewee values other people’s opinions.

The Best Answer

The best answer to this question should be twofold: Firstly, it should be a properly verbalized account of a work-related conflict. Secondly, it should provide a balanced and well-elaborated justification for the interviewee’s decision to concede the point despite their better judgment.

  1. “We all have people we dislike. Mention some of the reasons why you disliked a former coworker.”

This simple and straightforward question is normally found in any worthwhile psychological test for employment. Simply put, it allows interviewers to survey the moral code the candidate created within a professional environment. When at the office, employees have to collaborate with people they didn’t choose to be around in the first place. This is why it is important for them to be understanding. At the same time, the employee has to know when their colleagues cross a line.

The Best Answer

The interviewee’s answer has to reflect a professional way of thinking. Those mentioned situations have to reveal how damaging that disliked attitude or action was to the interest of the entire team. Any quarrel based on personal antipathies can only reflect an immature way of thinking.

  1. “Give me an example of an unexpected situation you had to deal with in the past.”

Often, unexpected situations bring out a person’s true essence. Their response can be either negative or positive. In a psychological test for employment, the answer to this question can shed some light on the interviewee’s ability to cope with pressure. At the same time, it will give the interviewer some insight into the potential employee’s decision-making skills.

The Best Answer

This question warrants a two-sided response. First, the potential employee should briefly and accurately describe the conflictive and unexpected situation they had to deal with. Besides being moderate and balanced, this description should be based on the person’s reasoning rather than their feelings. After that, the interviewee should provide a reasonable account of how they were able to deal with the situation.


Even though there are many others, the mentioned questions are incredibly effective for gaining important insight into a potential employee’s state of mind. At the same time, they help employers get a picture of the communication skills and moral values that each candidate for the position has. For that reason, these questions are an important part of any psychological test for employment. Have you ever tried asking any of these questions during an interview? If so, let us know what the results were in the comment section below!

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